
giovedì 7 agosto 2014

CVA DX Award - from Brazil!

In August 2013 I had many QSOs with Brazilian hams in CVA DX Contest 2013 (Concurso Verde e Amarelo, see also my previous post here ). I send my log to CVA DX Contest Committee.

Yesterday arrives at home a parcel from Brazil, containing a beautuful wooden plaque: an award!

1st place in the category SINGLE-OP ONE 10m QRP.

OK, I'm the only ham who partecipate at contest in this category, but 5 QSO with Brazil in QRP in the same afternoon seems to me an amazing result.

I've used my FT817, 5W power out,  and my 10m Half Wave End-Fed antenna, described here.

Thank you very much to all Brazilian hams!