
domenica 5 febbraio 2012

12V 6800 mAh LiPo Battery

I've bought on e-bay a LIPO battery, 6800 mAh, from a Hong-Kong seller for few euros (a bit less than 35). After about three weeks, the battery arrives. Specifications:

  • Weight 230g
  • Measures: 56x106x18 mm
  • Input (for charge) 12.6VDC
  • Output: 12V 6800 mAh

The battery comes with a charger and have a little on-off switch and red led.

I've used often with FT-817 in /P, and also as a emergency supply source for handhelds. Great item!

2 commenti:

  1. hello, how do you connect the li-po battery to the yaesu 817? thanks,

    1. Hi, I connect the battery directly to rear port of 817 via a homemade adaptor cable
